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After unfairly accused by Mr Prosecutors Ouk Savuth past. Khem Veasna League for Democracy party, suffered another injustice, but this is from the Siem Reap provincial court again. Injustice has been made, he said, "Injustice anywhere," he posted on his Facebook page on 13 April 2015. The story is because of the three-star complained to the court to remove the water.

Here's his description:

Everywhere filled with injustice. Our pepper plantations in Siem Reap separate irrigation water for three-star Pepper sued to court to charge us, saying that we take the above water fountain. Court without asking the justice something slightly decision braced us, we do not even know anyone sue us, suddenly took the injunction of protection issued by the court Siem came braced us once already told us that if we agree not to sue replied to. Three stars, including flow Hill perplexed take to do all crops just planted play in the field just entertainment eyes share our pepper ten hectares of tens of thousands of propane drowned courts do not care about the consequences of our betrayed us to sue whether to sue win them? Pepper won we have not died? Injustice anywhere gonna do ?? This is my homeland. If we do not clear who will make our children? I spent thousands of dollars for a single, but the power to destroy the power seconds, day and night trying innovative rleayokhsaol immediately. Do we tolerate living victims? Eventually be watered ribbon pepper. National Society Is this a cunning causing furious life, partly.


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